Angel for a Day

December 2016

A community with a heart - 3 happy endings on our own doorstep

"Angel for a Day" in Austria A community with a heart - 3 happy endings on our own doorstep

In the run up to Christmas 2016, the  Child & Family Foundation, together with myWorld Austria GmbH and numerous  employees, Members and Loyalty Merchants, set itself a goal to provide support for people in need in Austria. In cooperation with the M.U.T. Organisation, the goal was to support 3 projects:

Recovery and disconnection from everyday life after loss of the mother

A single father, with 4 children, wanted to spend quality time with his family

Roland is a single father with four children, Natalie (17), Oliver (14), Michael (9) and André (7). Since the death of the children's mother, he has done his best to care for the children. As the youngest son has a disability, and the household budget doesn't stretch far enough for luxuries, the family has never been able to afford a holiday.

Three siblings from difficult backgrounds needed a child-family home

A Childrens' Home in Arnfels recently took in three siblings from difficult backgrounds, who have never had a child-friendly home in which they could feel safe. 

Design of the rooms for 3 siblings with tramatic experiences

To make this fresh start easier for the siblings, and to offer them more than just the basics, the aim was to modernise the living quarters and provide decorative items to make them more homely.

Everyday relief for women's shelter

Help for a Women's Refuge for women and children in crisis

The Women's Refuge in Kapfenberg is a safe house for women, and their children, who have suffered physical abuse in the family home.

Every women has a small room for herself and her children, and all the other rooms, such as the living room, play room, etc, are communal and are shared by all the families who live there. The Women's Refuge desperately needed a new dishwasher and an additional fridge for the communal kitchen.
Throughout December, donations were collected for these three projects. Thanks to the generosity of the whole myWorld Community, which opened it's heart and purse in the run up to Christmas, it was possible to fulfil the wishes of all three beneficiary groups. On the 20th of December, the Women's Refuge received the fridge and dishwasher, and the Children's Home in Arnfels received a Voucher to enable them to purchase the relevant items to brighten up the Home. The single-parent family has now also got something to smile about, as they can finally fulfil their dream of having a family holiday.

We would like to say a special thank you to:
Autohaus Ornig GmbH & Co. KG
Finanzfuchsgruppe GmbH
Valentin Steiner
All the myWord employees in Austria

At a glance

Projekt Info
Project Goals

Ziel des Projekts war es, einem alleinerziehenden Vater und seinen vier Kindern, von denen eines eine Behinderung hat, einen gemeinsamen Urlaub zu ermöglichen. Außerdem sollte das Kinderheim in Arnfels, das drei neue Kinder aufgenommen hat, bei der Ausstattung der Räumlichkeiten unterstützt werden und das Frauenhaus in Kapfenberg sollte einen neuen Geschirrspüler und einen weiteren Kühlschrank erhalten.

Project period
Dezember 2016
Convenantee group

Projektpartner war der Verein M.U.T., der uns auf die Bedürfnisse der drei Begünstigtengruppen aufmerksam machte. Der Verein M.U.T. unterstützt Menschen in Notsituationen und versucht, ihre Lebenslage durch gezielte Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe zu verbessern.