Travelling to the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro

Evaluating new projects

Project managers, Martina and Alejandro, travelled to Tanzania to have a look at the state of the 2 schools and evaluate whether the Child & Family Foundation can support them.

The schools are nestled at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. Just because it’s a tourist hot spot, doesn't mean that the people living here have high living standards.

children in Tansania

Amidst the jungle at the foot of Kilimanjaro, a small huddle of buildings sprawl across the hillside: Classrooms and the necessary infrastructure for some 250 children who have access to education even in the middle of nowhere.  Yet the buildings are in poor condition and are not structurally sound.
So, we decided to evaluate the situation with the help of our partner C-re-AID.

project visit Tansania Child & Family Foundation
project visit Tansania Child & Family Foundation
project visit Tansania Child & Family Foundation

Aus diesem Grund haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, die Situation vor Ort gemeinsam mit unserem Projektpartner C-re-aid zu evaluieren.