The students from the Escuela Lyoness are the winners of the regional spelling bee!

You only know about your own competence if you are challenging yourself with others. Our students did stand comparison with their peers and demonstrated their skills.

Day of the Spanish language

It was “Day of the Spanish language”. A day, which might be a boring day about the roots of the mother tongue with a lot of history of the language and stories about poets who have passed away for a long time. Conservative and classic. But instead there was an exciting contest and an interactive day which brought about spelling-experts and poets as well as prospective writers.

Spelling bee-winners

Wilmer Argueta from second grade and Daniel Valle from sixth grade participated in the regional spelling bee and both won first place in the contest! Teacher and parents have been so proud.

Spelling Bee-winners School Honduras
Spelling Bee-winners School Honduras
Spelling Bee-winners School Honduras

It is not only a sign of excellence for the quality the education at the Escuela Lyoness but also a confirmation for the decision of the parents, to send their kids to school – which cannot be taken for granted in developing countries, where children are missed at home if they go to school as they are often contributing to the family income or are looking for their younger siblings.


A fun day of learning about the mother tongue

At the school, students and teachers organized different contests such as spelling, orthography: Little poets recited self-written poems and students from second grade made an attempt at being authors and created their first book

Learning can be so much fun!