Promising start to 2023: Positive news from our school in Honduras

In the southern hemisphere of the American continent, many countries follow a different school calendar than those in the northern hemisphere. First and foremost, the seasons function differently. While in Austria, Italy, or Canada, snow falls in December at the arrival of Christmas, in countries like Argentina, Chile, or Honduras, winter falls in the months of June to August. Christmas and New Year's are celebrated on the beach with a refreshing drink. That is why our school in Honduras begins the school cycle in February and concludes in November.


The first school quarter of 2023 has been filled with special activities that have made classes and ordinary days more bearable and enjoyable. In February, Valentine's Day was celebrated, followed by Sports Day in the same month. In March, Water Day and Father's Day were celebrated. A very special day was dedicated to people with Down Syndrome. On this day, the students were taught what this syndrome consists of and how important it is, from a young age, to help and integrate all those people with special needs.


In addition to classes and festive events, the school continued to organize the monthly school cleaning day.


On this day, usually on weekends, parents of the students take turns to sweep, clean, cut the grass, paint, and generally improve the appearance of the school facilities.

The year 2023 is quite special for the Centro Educativo CFF in Honduras. After many years of operating completely dependent on financial aid from the CFF and thousands of generous people worldwide who make school activities possible with their donations, the school has also received government aid this year. With this new income, which is essentially intended to reinforce the payment of salaries for 15 people, including teachers, cooks, and cleaning staff, the CFF can focus on needs such as school materials, food, building maintenance, and many other expenses that 250 students cause daily.


We would like to express our thanks again to all our collaborators and donors, especially to our HEROES who contribute monthly to the education of these and hundreds of other poor children around the world to have a school, food, and education.
