Angel for a Day

December 2018
Barueri/Passo Fundo/Blumenau/Sampo Grande / Brazil

4 Angel for a Day at 4 different places in Brazil

Angel for a Day Barueri/Passo Fundo/Blumenau/Sampo Grande - December 2018

The festive period can be an onerous on for impoverished families and it's the children who suffer most as, for them, Christmas should be one of the most exciting times of the year.


So myWorld Brazil decided to put on four "Angel for a Day" campaigns in different locations in Brazil during December 2018 in collaboration with the Child & Family Foundation to ensure that as many deprived children as possible might be able to experience something special during advent. The were supported by several voluntary Members of the myWorld Community, who didn't just do something for a good cause but also strengthened the feeling of solidarity amongst the people involved in the project.

In Barueri, the organisation "SAF -Associaçãode Apoioa Família” was chosen to run the project, which looks after 130 deprived children and young people, aged between 7 and 17, and promotes their social development, by ensuring access to art and culture, as well as the consolidation of the community, familial and social bonds.

Angel for a day for kids in Brasilien

myWorld Brazil had already worked together with this organisation a year previously and were very satisfied, which is why the Members decided that the „SAF -Associaçãode Apoioa Família” should support the "Angel for a Day" event once again on 1st December 2018.

Likewise, on 1st December, another "Angel for a Day" campaign took place at the „Lar Emiliano Lopes“ institute in Passo Fundo. This organisation is a social branch of the local Evangelical community and currently supports 30 children and young people, aged between 6 and 15 years old, who find themselves to be socially vulnerability and the organisation tries to help them to strengthen their social bonds within the community.

The organisation „Casa de Acolhida São Felipe Neri” is an institution based in the town of Blumenau, in which an "Angel for a Day" campaign took place on 10th December. Here, 70 deprived children and young people, aged between 5 and 14, are cared for by volunteers.

Weihnachtsmann als Charity Aktion in Brasilien

They get help with homework and can take part in group activities, such as dance, music, capoeira, jiu-jitsu, as well as various different workshops and leisure activities. Furthermore, they work on projects, which their families can participate in so as to strengthen the affective bond and the community. „Casa de Acolhida São Felipe Neri”'s work also involves drug prevention and implementing corresponding measures to prevent domestic violence.

Warten auf die Überraschung

On the 14th December, the fourth advent "Angel for a Day" campaign of 2018 took place in Brazil. It was put on in the "Centro Social Dom Bosco" in Campo Grande. The organisation currently looks after 125 children, aged between 4 months and 4 years old, and their projects predominantly support the people who are most in need, as well as families from the region living off only one or two minimum incomes. 

Since its founding, several projects were developed by the social centre, such as, for example, the School of Sports, which only offered sport at first and then later started offering employment counselling, the Employment Desk (for housework), courses in various different sectors, such as IT, tailoring and sewing, secretarial skills, as well as courses teaching people how to assemble and maintain computers. Over the years, the projects were restructured and reconfigured. Currently, the social centre supports the following projects: Creche Nossa Senhora Auxiliadord (2 creches), the Amoprevolezza Project, various different lecture series, social work, literacy courses for adults and a theological group.

During all four "Angle for a Day" events in December 2018, the volunteers organised several different group activities for the children, such as group games with rope and balls, face painting, festive craft workshops and handed out "Angel for a Day" T-shirts, small Christmas gifts, organised group photos and all ate a meal together. All had a great deal of fun together and enjoyed this atmospheric event greatly.


All participants, i.e. the Members, the volunteers and the children, had an unforgettable day and will definitely remember this event during Advent for a long time to come. And, who knows - perhaps maybe they will be able to look forward to another special Christmas event this year.

At a glance

Projekt Info
Project Goals

The aim was to give the children and adolescents a good time during pre-Christmas season 2018 to enjoy a day's activities and bring a little festive cheer to their lives

Project period
1.12. - 14.12.2018
Convenantee group

150 socially deprived children and adolescents, each housed and cared for in one of four different facilities in Brazil