10 new bicycles make for active leisure time

Sport is key for the children from Remedial Group 5, who are cared for at Pauline's Children's Home in Cologne.

Exercise is a vital part of everyday routine, particularly for children and teenagers who have experienced traumatic events, which have prevented them from being cared for by their parents.

Fahrradübergabe Kinderheim Köln
Fahrradübergabe Kinderheim Köln

Sport not only helps the young people to experience a sense of of their own success and personal achievement, but also builds self-confidence, helps them to work out where their personal boundaries lie and - what is most important from our point of view - teaches them how to work together as a team and as part of the community.

Bicycles Children's home Cologne
Bicycles Children's home Cologne
Bicycles Children's home Cologne

Thanks to the help and support provided by the Child & Family Foundation and Marco Oreggia, as well as Paul Schoor and his team, ten bicycles were bought, which were presented to the children and teenagers on 9th August 2018.
Overjoyed, they tried out the brand new bicycles for the first time in the car park.
The children were looking forward to the first few cycling tours from the very day that they were presented with the new bicycles.