Welcome to the Projeto Textil!

A new sewing and dressmaking course has commenced at the Projeto Textil in Parajuru. Motivated by the positive development of the graduates from the last class, four young women have decided to begin their education this year.

Recycling Project in Brasil - Projeto Textil Child & Family Foundation

Renata, Claudenia, Regiane and Graça were most eager to start their work and have already created their first pieces of clothing. They proudly presented their works of art at a spontaneous fashion show to Nina Passegger, Director of the CFF.

Recycling Project in Brasil - Projeto Textil Child & Family Foundation
Recycling Project in Brasil - Projeto Textil Child & Family Foundation

The instructors Vana and Ivone were most pleased with the new participants as they are very creative, lively and extremely skilful. We wish them lots of success for the coming months!