Kicking off the new term at Holy Trinity School

The beginning of a new year is a special time, defined by a sense of anticipation, a thirst for action and New Year's resolutions.  For the Holy Trinity School pupils, the start of the new year also heralds the beginning of a new term.

As the peals of the school bell rang out on the morning of 14th January, following six week's of holiday, marking the start of the new term, the pupils' excitement was palpable.  Why, you may ask? In a country such as Nigeria, where more than ten million children aged between five and fourteen years do not go to school, every school day is treated as a sacred gift.

An action-packed start

It is clear that the children are very fond of their school as the entire school volunteered to help out with cleaning up the school campus.  The pupils got down to it with much merriment and vocal accompaniment and managed to rid the school of weeks' worth of dust which had accumulated over the holidays. It was not long before the entire campus was shiny as a bright new pin. 


Gemeinsame Schulreinigung Nigeria
Gemeinsame Schulreinigung Nigeria

Good planning is the foundation of success

Holy Trinity School's management feels it is very important that the children are able to prepare themselves adequately for the demands in the coming weeks and months ahead.  They provide all pupils with their own personal timetable for the relevant term during the very first lesson.  Their teachers began planning teaching content and lessons during the holidays. 


Overcome challenges together

Alongside comprehensive preparation and expertise, a good teacher is defined by her or his passion for the job and ability to enjoy what they do – characteristics which every single teacher at the Holy Trinity School possesses.  In order to ensure a high standard of education, excellent teaching staff is not the only requirement. An effective administrative team and close cooperation between all school staff are also a must.  For this reason, the school's management organises regular staff meetings.  As well as providing opportunity for discussion of administrative matters, these meetings also allow time for advising on the school's development and overcoming everyday challenges as a collective.


Professor reunion Nigeria

Aus diesem Grund organisiert die Schulleitung regelmäßig Versammlungen für alle Mitarbeiter der Schule. Neben der Besprechung administrativer Angelegenheiten bieten diese Zusammenkünfte die Möglichkeit, über Fragen der Schulentwicklung zu beraten und den Herausforderungen des Schulalltags gemeinsam zu begegnen.

The first staff meeting of the year

The first of the staff meetings took place on the second day of school after the holidays.  The meeting commenced following a short prayer, read by the vicar, who came to school that day for just this purpose.  The founder and head master, Frederick Akhelumele, took advantage of this opportunity, not only to welcome each member of staff back to school personally after the holidays, but also to discuss specific measures which will work to improve the quality of education which the school provides and the organisation of the school day continuously.