Grand opening ceremony of the new school buildings of the Escuela para el Futuro

The opening of the kindergarden and the pre-school was celebrated with a huge ceremonygefeiert.

May 17th, was a special day at the Escuela para el Futuro in León, Mexico: the Director of Escuela Para el Futuro received the keys to the new Kindergarten and the Pre-school. This event was celebrated with a huge ceremony.

The joy over the completion of the school buildings in San Juan de Abajo was huge. In a region of extreme poverty, it is, unlike in other regions, not easy to successfully complete such a construction project. However, the community of Juan de Abajo joined forces and the new school infrastructure have been finished in time. This had to be celebrated in a big opening ceremony.


In the few days prior to the opening, the last finishing touches and preparation for the ceremony were very intense. Even the parents and teachers helped with the cleaning, placing of furniture and other small tasks to get the Kindergarten ready for the opening day.

Handover of construction plans and keys

The inauguration ceremony began with the national hymn and the flying of the flag in the new courtyard. The Director of Escuela Para el Futuro received the keys to the new Kindergarten, as well as the building plans from the architect.

Schlüselüberagbe Neubau Schule Mexiko
Eröffnungsfeier der neuen Schule der Escuela para el Futuro Mexiko
Eröffnungsfeier der neuen Schule der Escuela para el Futuro Mexiko
Eröffnungszeremonie Escuela para el Futuro

Ceremony and party

Children, teachers, parents and the Child & Family Foundation representative, Alejandro Najera attended the ceremony. The President of Escuela Para el Futuro Association, the School Director, and the mother of a student gave words of thanks to all the participants. Parents brought snacks, cakes and drinks to share.